Chocolate and Mango
to plate: smear white chocolate yoghurt on the plate lay three mounds of chocolate jelly dice remove skin from a mango cheek, slice into six and marinate in syrup with 2 hulled torn lychees and some julienned mint. arrange fruit on plate. Heat two bickys to 30c and place them in a gap. crumble some chocolate shards in the right places then finally quenelle ice cream and place atop the chocolate jelly dice. White chocolate and lime yoghurt 500g strained yoghurt 300g white chocolate 200g milk 1 lime’s zest Heat milk and make a ganache with the white chocolate then fold ganache through the strained yoghurt, add zest. Chocolate cookies (from Family Meal) 1 vanilla pod 5 eggs 400g sugar 85 butter 600 dark chocolate(70%cocoa) 450 g white and dark chocolate peices 85 g flour 1tsp 5spice powder 1 shot espresso Bring butter and dark chocolate to 40c meanwhile Whisk the Eggs, sugar and vanilla to cream then add espresso and reserve,, . Pour into egg mix. Mix dry ingredients in then fold thro...