BTRMS #1 Frozen Deserts
Hot on the heels of STRMB is a new and equally difficult acronym to pronounce
ie. 'books that rock my shelf', it will be another ongoing blog topic that i'll also try to keep food related and PG rated.
BTRMS #1 Frozen Deserts by Francisco J. Migoya
the book is rather comprehensive including the history and evolution of frozen desserts.
ingredient profile including dairy products, sugars, stabilizers, emulsifiers, fruits, and flavors. The type of equipment that i'd love to get my hands on like churning machines and production equipment etc. Also information on production and serving techniques. There are a few recipes for dairy-based frozen desserts, non-dairy desserts and aerated still-frozen desserts, some of the recipes that ill consider perusing are piquillo pepper sorbet, black and tan ice cream (yes, using beer!) port ice cream, espresso-cardamom ice cream and roasted black mission fig gelato.
Each recipe chapter covers both classic and modern small-batch production techniques, basic formulas, and both basic and advanced base recipes. The chapter, "Finished Items", makes use of these base recipes and shows ya how to produce, plate, garnish, and serve small desserts, plated desserts, frozen cakes, and even frozen accompaniments to savory courses. Recipes are illustrated throughout An instructor's manual and companion website are also available for classroom use which is pretty handy here's a few picks i ripped from the web. prdy!
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