I've been a bit slack in my blog posts recently, well ever since the splurge I gave you from Darwin, there has been plenty of things to blog about but lazy ass me has been pissing around with modding my phone and catching up on Dexter. I made a cake for a colleague's partner he was a fireie so I made a fire engine cake. It took hours and I got all defeated towards the end of the finishing process, I took photos but my phone misplaced them and now I have no evidence. Anyway I thought I had better show you the applications I have on my phone for assisting my at work, I got rid of most of them 'the strong survive'

My ever changing Home screen.

Work folder.
Blog press for posting blogs.
Calculator for calculating.
Chef for recipes and ordering.
Chronology for multiple countdown timers.
Convert Units for converting.
Egg Timer for precise egg boiling.
Ratio for all general savory and sweet ratios in cooking.
Keep it real out there I'm thinking about making some chocolate chip cookies may dig up an old Young Alfred recipe! I will keep you posted!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

My ever changing Home screen.

Work folder.
Blog press for posting blogs.
Calculator for calculating.
Chef for recipes and ordering.
Chronology for multiple countdown timers.
Convert Units for converting.
Egg Timer for precise egg boiling.
Ratio for all general savory and sweet ratios in cooking.
Keep it real out there I'm thinking about making some chocolate chip cookies may dig up an old Young Alfred recipe! I will keep you posted!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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