I had a thought the other day we should really do something with those bananas in the cool room but my shift was up and ran out of time, although banocchi came to mind and posted my thoughts on face book. The methods I was thinking about were... Sous vide banana puré with methyl cellulose, poached in sweet milk with isomalt caramelized pecans, ln2 malt ice cream pearls and cinnamon air. or polenta made on milk and pureed bananas cut down into gnocchi shapes then baked and added to deep fried cinnamon dusted green bananas in a pecan cream grated agar chocolate Chantilly or something of the like. fortunately it's my day off and I didn't have to pursue the thought. I got a mms from Chef saying 'banocchi' with a corresponding picture he must have read my status or it was a crazy coincidence and took the proverbial ball and ran with it. Nice one!

banana gnocchi
banana foam
berry pudding
maple stock
micro herbs
A new recruit arrived today also on a quest for culinary greatness the following picture is his take on the banocchi plate up using the ingredients above

banana gnocchi
banana foam
berry pudding
maple stock
micro herbs
A new recruit arrived today also on a quest for culinary greatness the following picture is his take on the banocchi plate up using the ingredients above

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